Tuesday, July 23, 2013

‘আওয়ামী লীগকে আবার ক্ষমতায় আনুন, বাংলার চেহারা পাল্টে দেব।

‘আওয়ামী লীগকে আবার ক্ষমতায় আনুন, বাংলার চেহারা পাল্টে দেব।

সজীব ওয়াজেদ জয়

প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার ছেলে সজীব ওয়াজেদ জয় বলেছেন, ‘আওয়ামী লীগকে আবার ক্ষমতায় আনুন, বাংলার চেহারা পাল্টে দেব। আমার কাছে তথ্য আছে, আগামীতে আবারও আওয়ামী লীগ ক্ষমতায় আসবে। আমি বিএনপির মিথ্যা প্রচারণা মোকাবিলা করতে এসেছি।’
সজীব ওয়াজেদ বলেন, এখন থেকে আগামী ছয় মাস বিএনপির দুর্নীতি, অপশাসন তুলে ধরুন। তাঁদের অপকর্মের কথা মানুষকে মনে করিয়ে দিন। তিনি বলেন, আওয়ামী লীগ ক্ষমতায় থাকলে আগামী ১৫ বছরের মধ্যে দেশ মধ্য আয়ের দেশে পরিণত হবে।

সজীব ওয়াজেদ বলেন, সাড়ে চার বছর ধরে আওয়ামী লীগ দেশে উন্নয়ন কর্মকাণ্ড করে যাচ্ছে। এখন আর মানুষকে লোডশেডিংয়ের দুর্ভোগ পোহাতে হয় না। আওয়ামী লীগই বিদ্যুত্ সমস্যার সমাধান করেছে। বিএনপি ক্ষমতায় থাকতে নতুন কোনো বিদ্যুেকন্দ্র বানাতে পারেনি। জনগণের উদ্দেশে সজীব ওয়াজেদ বলেন, ‘আপনারা বিএনপি এবং আওয়ামী লীগের দুই টার্ম তুলনা করে দেখেন, কারা বেশি উন্নয়ন করেছে। আওয়ামী লীগ এক টার্মে যে উন্নয়ন করেছে, বিএনপি দুই টার্মেও সে উন্নয়ন করতে পারেনি।’
সজীব ওয়াজেদ বলেন, বিএনপির আমলে হল-মার্ক, ডেসটিনির মতো দুর্নীতি করলেও কেউ গ্রেপ্তারও হতো না। এমনকি এসব কথা বলাও যেত না। দুর্নীতিতে বাংলাদেশ এক নম্বর ছিল। ব্যবসায়ীদের চাঁদা জমা দেওয়ার জন্য হাওয়া ভবন সৃষ্টি হয়। খাম্বার কথা কেউ ভুলে যায়নি।
জয় বলেন, আওয়ামী লীগের আমলে কাউকে চাঁদা দিতে হয়নি। হাতিরঝিলের মতো স্থাপনার কারণে ঢাকাকে আন্তর্জাতিক শহর মনে হয়। তিনি বলেন, ‘অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নকে আমরা সবচেয়ে বেশি জোর দিয়েছি। এভাবে অর্থনীতি এগোলে আমাদের ভিশন-২০২১ বাস্তবায়ন হবে। আওয়ামী লীগ দেশকে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। আর বিএনপির আমলে হয় শুধু দুর্নীতি।’ ২০০১ সালে সংখ্যালঘুদের ওপর নির্যাতনের জন্য চারদলীয় জোট সরকারকে দায়ী করেন জয়।
 প্রধানমন্ত্রীপুত্র বলেন, ‘২১ আগস্টে গ্রেনেড হামলার কথা ভুলে যায়নি। ওই সময় আমার মাকে হত্যার চেষ্টা করা হয়েছিল। প্রয়াত রাষ্ট্রপতি জিল্লুর রহমানের স্ত্রী আইভি রহমানসহ ২৩ জনকে হত্যা করা হয়। চার শ জন আহত হয়। তত্কালীন প্রধানমন্ত্রীর পুত্র এতে জড়িত থাকার অভিযোগ পাওয়া গেছে। যেটা দুঃখজনক।’

Monday, July 1, 2013

ক্ষমা চাই সকলের কাছে।

ক্ষমা চাই সকলের কাছে। সবাই আমাকে নিজগুনে ক্ষমা করবেন। আসলে আমি কেউ না এ দেশের ভালো মন্দ আয় ব্যয় উন্নতি অবনতি ধংশ বা নির্মাণে ।আমার কোনো অবদান নেই এ দেশের জন্য। আমি শুধু পথের ধারে অযত্নে বেড়ে ওঠা দলিত মথিত দূর্বা ঘাস। আমি একটি রাস্তার নেড়ে কুকুর। মূর্খ অথর্ব বাচাল প্রকৃতির একটি বাজে লোক। আমি আমার নিজেকেই ঘৃণা করি মনে প্রাণে।আত্বহত্যা মহা পাপ এবং মহান আল্লাহ্‌ তায়া'লার কাছে গিয়ে কোনো জাবাদিহীতার রাস্তা থাকবে না। দুটি কন্যা সন্তান বেড়ে ঊঠেছে অযতনে মূর্খ ব্যর্থ পিতার সন্তান হিসেবে।
শুনিতে চেওনা কোথায় কষ্ট কোন সে গোপনকথা!
শুনিয়া হাসিবে মুচকি হাসি, নয়তো পাইবে ব্যাথা।
নয়তো বলিবে, আসলেই সত্যি বদ্ধ পাগল মুক্তি,
নাহি কথার সামঞ্জস্য নাহি কোনো যুক্তি ।
এ দেশ স্বাধীন করেছিলো সেনা বাহিনী। যুদ্ধের পূর্বেই যারা সশস্ত্র জীবন যাপনে অভ্যস্ত। দেশ স্বাধীন করেছে তারাই। সাতজন বীর শ্রেষ্ঠও সেনা বাহিনীর সদস্য। হতভাগা জাতিরজনককে নির্মমভাবে হত্যা করেছে, সেও সেনাবাহিনী। মঞ্জুর, জিয়া, খালেদ মোশাররফ, কর্নেল তাহের, তাজুদ্দিন, সৈয়দ নজরুল ইসলাম, ক্যাপঃ মনসুর আলী, কামরুজ্জামানসহ হাজার হাজার মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের বিনা বিচারে রুদ্ধ কারাগারে হত্যা করেছে, সেটাও সেনা বাহিনী। স্বাধীন সার্বভৌম বাংলাদেশের ৪০ বছরের মধ্যে মাত্র সাড়ে সাত বছর দেশ শাসন করেছে জনগণ কর্তৃক নির্বাচিত গণতান্ত্রিক সরকার আর বাদ বাকী সাড়ে ৩২ বছর বৈধ এবং অবৈধভাবে দেশ শাসন করেছে সেনা বাহিনী। কোথায় গণতন্ত্রের শিশু, তাকেতো হাটতেই শিখানো হয়নি? দেশের সমস্ত সরকারী আধা সরকারী স্বায়ত্বশাসিত প্রধান প্রধান প্রতিষ্ঠান গুলোর কর্ণধার বর্তমান অথবা অবসর গ্রহণকৃত সেনা কর্মকর্তা। দেশ বিদেশের দূতাবাসগূলোতে চাকুরীর সুবিধাদিসহ প্রেষণে নিয়োগ পেয়েছে সেনাবাহিনী। কাজেই মুক্তিযুদ্ধ এবং তার সকল মহিমা সেনাবাহিনীরই প্রাপ্য। বাকী সব ছাগলের তিন নম্বর বাচ্ছা। উচ্চ শিক্ষিত, মেধাসম্পন্ন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে কৃতিত্বের সাথে পাশ করা যুব গোষ্ঠী ভালো চাকুরী না পেলেও, অবসরপ্রাপ্ত সেনা বাহিনী ঠিকই চুক্তিভিত্তিক উচ্চ পদসমূহে নিয়োগ পেয়েছে। কারন তারাই এ দেশ স্বাধীন করেছে। বাকী আমরা যারা বাঙ্গালী, তারা অকালকুসুমন্ড তথাকথিত ভোদাই সম্প্রদায়। তারেক জিয়া দুর্নীতি লুন্ঠণ করেছে, পত্রপত্রিকা দেশবিদেশে ছড়িয়ে দিয়েছে কিন্তু ঢাকা ক্যান্টনমেন্ট এ কি হচ্ছে, তা জাহাঙ্গীর গেট পর্যন্ত জানতে পারছে না। এ কথা আমি মুক্তি বলবার কে? আমি বলবোই বা কেনো। দুর্নীতি দমন কমিশনের এক কর্মকর্তা আমাকে একটি দুর্নীতি সংক্রান্ত মামলার তদন্তের সাক্ষী হিসেবে ডেকেছিলো এবং ধমকিয়ে ওই তদন্ত কর্মকর্তা আমাকে শাসিয়েছিলেন " যে ব্যক্তি সরকারি অর্থ তছরুপ করেছে, সেটা সরকারের অর্থ, আপনার কি? আপনি কে অভিযোগ করতে? আপনার এতো মাথা ব্যথা কেনো। আলবৎ সত্য কথা। আমি কে? আমি কেনো দুর্নীতির বিরুদ্ধে মামলা করতে গেলাম? আমিতো একটা stupid! আর কিছু নয়। আমার কি আসে যায় যদি সরকারের টাকা লুটপাট হয়? আমার এই ষাট বছরের কাছে এসে শুভ বুদ্ধির ঊদয় হয়েছে। এতো দিনে বুঝলাম এ সমাজে, এ দেশে, এ মাটিতে আমি একটি পদার্থহীন অপদার্থ। নিজেকে বিরাট একটা কিছু মনে করতাম। গায় পড়ে পথের কাঁটা নিজের কাঁটা মনে করে মানুষের সাথে অহেতুক ঝগড়া ফেসাত দাঙ্গা হাঙ্গামা বাক বিতন্ড যুক্তি তর্ক বিতর্ক আর স্বাধীনতা, বঙ্গবন্ধু, আওয়ামী লীগ, শেখ হাসিনা, রাজাকার, বিএন পি জামাত যতো সব অহেতুক বিষয়াদি নিয়ে অযৌক্তিক এবং উদ্ভট অসামঞ্জস্য কথা বার্তা বলে বেড়াতাম। কিন্তু আসল বিষয়টা ছিলো সম্পূর্ণ ভিন্ন।
আমি কেউ না বাংলাদেশের। আমার পিতা মাতার বিশেষ উত্তেজনার ফসল মাত্র আমি জন্মেছিলাম বাংলার একটি অখ্যাত নিভূত পল্লীর জীর্ণ কুঠিরে। সংসারে সকলের ছোট হয়েও উচ্চ শিক্ষার মূখ দেখতে পাইনি আমার এই প্রচন্ড দাপট বাউন্ডেলেপনার জন্য। কোন রকম পেটে ভাতে খেয়ে পড়ে অনেক কষ্টে কিছু মুল্যহীন সনদপত্র যোগার করেছিলাম। সেও মনে হয় বোর্ড অফ এডুকেশনের ভুলের কারনে পেয়েছিলাম। 
যেদিন হাওয়া ভবন এর সন্ত্রাসীদের হাতে বেদমভাবে প্রহৃত হ’লাম, জীবন ভিক্ষা চেয়ে প্রান বাচালাম সেদিনই আমি বুঝেছিলাম, আমি এ দেশে অকালকুসুমন্ড মূল্যহীন একটি অযাচিত জঘন্য ঘৃণ্য অতিকায় তুচ্ছ  নরকের কীট। তাই স্ত্রী সন্ডানদের ফেলে নিজের জীবন নিয়ে পালিয়ে এলাম। এসে ভাবলাম আমার কথা গুলো অন্তত বিশ্বকে জানানো উচিত। আমার জানাবার ভাষা এবং উপস্থাপনে হয়তো বা কোনো আর্ট ছিলো না কিন্তু সত্যতা ছিলো সম্পূর্ণ ১০০ ভাগ। আমার জন্মভূমি আমি ছেড়ে এলেও আমার বিধির বিধান ভাগ্য লিখনতো আমার সাথে সাথেই মায়া মরীচিকার মতোই তাড়া করেছে, আমি পালাতে চাইলেও আমার ভাগ্যের লেখা অনুযায়ী ওরা তো আমার পিছু ছাড়েনি।
এই মিডিয়া জগতে কতো জনেরে একান্তভাবে পেয়েছি, কতজনেরে মিথ্যে কারনে মিথ্যে অজুহাতে অশ্রাব্য ভাষায় তিরস্কার করেছি। আসলে আমিতো কেঊ না ও কথা বলার যে কথা আমি একান্ত আমার এবং দেশের শ্ত্রু মনে করে অপরজনকে বলেছি। ওরা শত্রু হবে কেনো? এটাইতো ছিলো আমার সব চেয়ে বড় আহাম্মকী এবং ডাষ্টবিনে নিক্ষেপিত হবার মুল কারন। শ্ত্রুতো আমি আমার নিজের। শ্ত্রু আমি সকলের। শ্ত্রু আমি বাঙ্গালী জাতির। শ্ত্রু আমি মিডিয়া জগতের সকলের। আমাকেইতো আমার ফাঁসির কাষ্ঠে ঝুলিয়ে শাস্তি দিতে ইচ্ছে হচ্ছে। 
বন্ধুগণ, আমাকে আপনারা মনে রাখবেন না। ভূলে যাবেন। যদি কখনো কারো মনে কোন কষ্ট দিয়ে থাকি। কাউকে স্বাধীনতা বা বঙ্গবন্ধু সংক্রান্ত কারনে কোনো কটু কথা বা গালি দিয়ে থাকি, আমাকে আপনারা ক্ষমা করে দিবেন। যদি শুনতে পান কোনো মাধ্যমে যে ‘মুক্তি নামের সে শুয়োরটা আর বেঁচে নেই’, আমাদের আর জ্বালাতন করবে না, সেদিন আমার বেহেস্ত নছিবের জন্য না হলেও নরকের শাস্তি মৌকুফের জন্য পারলে দোয়া করবেন।
“ অন্ধকারে এসেছিলেম, থাকতে আধার যাই চলে,
ক্ষণিক ভালো বেসে ছিলেম, চির কালের নাই হলেম।
আপনারা ভূলে যাবেন আমার এ বেসুরো বেতাল গানের কোনো একটি লাইনও যদি আপনাদের কারো কাছে কোনো মুহূর্তে ভালো লেগে থাকে?  
আমার আপন বড় ভাইকে হারানোর পর এই নেট ওয়ার্কের মিডিয়ার মাধ্যমে বড় ভাই হিসেবে শহীদুল আলম ভাইজান কে পেয়েছিলাম,  যদি জীবনে একবার দেখা না পাই বড় কষ্ট থেকে যাবে তার জন্য । কারো কোন করুনা চাই না। দয়া চাইনা, চাইনা কোন ভিক্ষার অনুকম্পা।
“যেহেতু দেশকে জাতিকে নিজে কিছুই দিতে পারিনি, তখন চাইবারও কোনো অধিকার আমার নেই।
“শুধু আর একবার দ্ব্যর্থহীন ভাষায় আমার শুষ্ক ওষ্ঠাধর থেকে নিক্ষেপ করে গেলাম...বাঙ্গালী জাতির জন্য . the ungrateful nation

Sunday, June 16, 2013

President Ziaur Rahman did not allow me to enter our Dhanmondi-32 Residence: Sheikh Hasina

President Ziaur Rahman did not allow me to enter our Dhanmondi-32 Residence:

Sheikh Hasina

Tears rolled down her cheeks and emotion gripped the audience as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina narrated the massacre at Dhanmondi-32 and unkind behaviour of a government after the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on August 15, 1975.
"When I came back in 1981 from exile, the then government of president Ziaur Rahman did not allow me to enter our Dhanmondi-32 residence where my father along with most of my family members were brutally killed," she said. 
Speaking at a prize giving ceremony at Osmani Memorial Auditorium yesterday morning, she said even General Zia did not allow her to organise a milad mahfil seeking eternal peace of the martyrs of August 15 inside the residence.
"It was Zia who forced us to hold milad on the road for my parents and others who were killed in the August 15 massacre," said Hasina.
Sheikh Hasina, the eldest daughter of Bangabandhu, who along with her younger sister survived the massacre, described as crime against humanity, said president Zia imposed restriction on opening of the residence from where Bangabandhu led all anti-autocratic movements.
Later, the government led by Justice Abdus Satter opened the historic house and handed over it to Hasina. "When I entered the house, I saw dried blood everywhere and clothes and other valuables were seen scattered on the floor".
The killers not only killed the country's founding father along with most of his family members, they also looted all valuables from the house, Hasina said.
There was pin-drop silence in the Osmani Memorial auditorium when the premier was narrating the tale of the blackest chapter of the world's history. People specially the children who joined the function were seen to wipe their eyes when she was describing the barbaric incident.
Hasina said after receiving the house, she and her younger sister decided to make it a museum for the people of the country. "I thought that the people of the country are the owner of the house as Bangabandhu launched all of his pro-people movements from the house," she added.
The premier said she inaugurated the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum on August 14, 1994 and after that the museum remains opened for public.
Later, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Memorial Trust was formed on April 11, 1994 with an aim to provide various services for the common people.
According to sources, 1,000-1,200 students are being provided stipend from the trust each month to meet their education expenses. The trust arranged free medical services across the country from Jan 10 to March 17 this year when over 8 lakh patients were given medical services.
The trust will set up a medical college and a nursing institute in Gazipur to provide medical services for the common people.

The Convenor of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum presided over the function while Curator of the museum Syed Siddiqur Rahman, DG of Bangla Academy Prof Shamsuzzaman Khan and Vice-Chancellor of National University Kazi Shahidullah, among others, addressed it.
Bangladesh's history in its first decade of freedom was fundamentally a story of bloodletting. You do not have to go into research to arrive at such a morbid conclusion. But you cannot escape feeling a certain sense of irony as you recapitulate the whole episode of the country's actually claiming, and taking, its place in the global community. If the war of liberation in 1971 saw three million Bengalis dying at the hands of the Pakistan armed forces, the post-liberation era turned into a long tale of blood and gore as most of the new nation's founding fathers and war heroes bit the dust through bloody coups d'etat and internecine armed conflict. The series of tragic happenings that engulfed Bangladesh between August and November 1975, followed by the execution of Abu Tahir, a soldier for freedom, in July 1976, will remain a blot on the conscience of a nation which yet struggles to find a way out of the woods for itself.
In May 1981 came the assassination of General Ziaur Rahman, Bangladesh's first military dictator, at the hands of soldiers who in the event could not quite succeed in pulling off what they had thought would be a revolution. Within days of Zia's murder, it would be the turn of General M.A. Manzoor, ostensibly the leader of the uprising, to be killed in cold blood by Zia loyalists. All of this is what the country has known over the years. In times that are as far removed from the 1970s and 1980s as they can be, that are clearly a whole lot more transparent than what one could have imagined two or three decades ago, it is now possible for Bengalis to grasp a little more conclusively the factors --- intrigues, conspiracy, et al --- that went into the making of an era that remains sinister in its elemental darkness. And into this story now steps Zayadul Ahsan with his hair-raising account of a failed coup that, once the plot failed to take off, was to leave scores upon scores of soldiers dead after October 1977. Originally conceived and presented as a series of investigative reports for the daily Bhorer Kagoj by the writer, this work is a searing account of the innocent men of the Bangladesh air force who were forced to march to the gallows on flimsy, unproven charges of complicity in the revolt that left some senior and reputed officers of the BAF murdered at the old Tejgaon airport on 2 October 1977. And those were exciting times, not so much for the fact that the struggle for ascendancy among the various politicised factions of the military went on in a seemingly endless pattern as for the truth of what was happening around the hijacked Japan Airlines aircraft at Dhaka airport.
The conspirators struck at the precise moment when senior air force men, including their chief Abdul Gaffar Mahmood, remained busy in negotiations with the Red Brigade who had seized the plane and forced it to land in Bangladesh's capital. Competent officers, among whom was Ross Masood, were lined up by rebellious air force men before the hangar and simply mown down. The question remains, though: did these men, egged on by individuals whose identities remain yet unknown, decide to strike on 2 October because the opportunity to stage their coup on 28 September, air force day, was lost when President Ziaur Rahman informed Air Vice Marshal Mahmood he was unable to be part of the celebrations? Ahsan comes up with a hint: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, meeting Zia in Cairo days before 28 September, warned him of a plot to assassinate the Bangladesh leader over the next few days. Zia took the hint seriously; and then came the suddenness of the JAL hijacking. As the talks with the Red Brigade neared an end, elements in the army and air force inside Dhaka cantonment went on the offensive against the Zia regime. A day earlier, in Bogra, disturbances in the cantonment left one person dead, three wounded and two missing. In Dhaka, at Tejgaon airport, eleven air force officers were murdered alongside ten soldiers from the army. Forty soldiers were left injured.
The facts Zayadul Ahsan presents are set off in an eerie pattern from the moment Zia loyalists, Mir Shawkat Ali for instance, move resolutely against the mutineers. Over the next twenty days or so, it would be an operation of relentless cruelty as the Zia regime, guided by vindictiveness and palpably oblivious to all norms of civilised behaviour, rounded up hundreds of innocent air force men and inaugurated what would eventually turn into a story of unimaginable horror. Kangaroo courts, officially described as military tribunals, swiftly handed down verdicts of guilty on those taken into custody; and night after night, inside the grim premises of the central jail in the capital, the bodies of hanged men dropped into pits for hours on end. It was Azimpur graveyard which, throughout October 1977, saw brisk nocturnal activity as the dead men were hastily buried, unbeknownst to their families. The case of the widow Aleya remains poignant, and heart-wrenching. In the days and weeks following his disappearance, she moved heaven and earth for news of her airman husband who had gone missing after 2 October. No one deigned to keep her informed until much later, to let her know in a terse notification that he had been executed for his part in the 'conspiracy'. There are other accounts, from men who were among the lucky few to escape the noose but nevertheless found themselves condemned to varied terms of imprisonment. The strand of thought throughout the stories runs along similar patterns. The innocent paid for crimes they did not commit; and ruthlessness was what the Zia military dictatorship employed in its efforts to survive and to ensure that no dissent remained to threaten its grip on power. Ironically, the fearsome Zia was to die in a botched coup slightly over three years later.
Zayadul Ahsan's work is much more than a record keeping of one of the more shameful episodes in the nation's history. It is, in very large measure, a call for those who perpetrated the atrocities on the hundreds of innocent men in the armed forces in light of the 2 October 1977 tragedy to be brought to account. Most of the men who presided over the sham trials of these men, sending them to quick death and putting a few others through inexplicable prison terms, are still alive. Some retired as senior officers in the military, especially in the air force. Others, non-commissioned officers who cheerfully served on the tribunals, went on to serve in the forces till their retirement. In the overweening interest of democratic accountability, all these elements responsible for the horrific executions in the dark need to be traced in order to be brought to justice. Ahsan's work is an eye-opener. It is a warning against men who, in the manner of Ziaur Rahman, think nothing of shooting people down in order to entrench themselves in political illegitimacy.
Syed Badrul Ahsan is Editor, Current Affairs, The Daily Star.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021

Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021 will need from both Public and Private sector an infusion of resources, leadership and ICT centered development if it is to be made meaningful. Over the last few decades, the world has been shifting from industrial to knowledge-based societies; the ability of a nation to use and create knowledge capital determines its capacity to empower and enable its citizens by increasing human capabilities. Easy access to knowledge, creation and preservation of knowledge systems, dissemination of knowledge and better knowledge services should be core concerns of the Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021. Bangladesh should be part of a well-crafted national strategy and “Digital Bangladesh”, needs to be the cornerstone strategy for Bangladesh. We have to build a people-centered, development-oriented Information Society, where everyone would be able to access, utilize and share information and knowledge easily and efficiently. The concept of Digital Bangladesh should be centered on the creation of what is popularly termed as a "knowledge- based society," Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are a critical component for building this knowledge-society. Our ability in creating and disseminating knowledge will eventually drive the nation’s growth in the coming days. A digital society ensures an ICT- driven knowledge-based society where information will be readily available online and where all possible tasks of the government, semi-government and also private spheres will be processed using state of the art technology. The first and foremost challenge to materialize the Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021 would be to ensure overall connectivity at an affordable cost. With the intent to enhance connectivity emphasis should be provided on the establishment of infrastructures to “Connect the Unconnected” and importance must be given on laying more optical fiber to reach the marginal people of the country. Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021 should establish technology- driven e-governance which includes e-administration, e-education, e-health, e-commerce, e- production, e-agriculture, etc. in the five focus areas of the knowledge paradigm:
1) Access to Knowledge 2) Knowledge concepts 3) Creation of Knowledge 4) Knowledge Applications 5) Delivery of Services 1. Access to Knowledge: Providing access to knowledge is the most fundamental way of increasing the opportunities and reach of individuals and groups. Therefore, means must exist for individuals who have the ability to receive and comprehend knowledge to readily obtain it. This also includes making accurate knowledge of the state and its activities available to the general public. Project, should be immediately initiated with an objective to facilitate the establishment of a firm presence of Bangladesh Government entities on the Web with two way communication capability or Web 2.0. The Program requires provision of an entire spectrum of web services to the Government sector as well as running specialized Portals for the benefit of citizens and other stakeholders. 2. Knowledge Concepts: Knowledge concepts are organized, distributed and transmitted through the education system and that’s why we need an NREN in Bangladesh. It is through education that an individual can make better informed decisions, keep abreast of important issues and trends around him or her and most importantly, question the socio-economic arrangements in a manner that can lead to change and development.
In fact, a successful "Digital Bangladesh" would need a more literate population. A mass computer-literacy program or even a government- sponsored computer course, offered perhaps as an incentive for every student who completes his or her secondary-school education, would benefit everyone. If there is will - backed by investment - there is a way. 3. Creation of Knowledge: A nation can develop in two ways – either it learns to use existing resources better, or it discovers new resources. Both activities involve creation of knowledge. This makes it important to consider all activities that lead to the creation of knowledge directly or help in protecting the knowledge that is created. To realize the aspirations of the 2021 vision, the country must be able to produce its own engineers, scientists and technological know-how.
4. Knowledge Applications: Knowledge can be productively applied to promote technological change and facilitate reliable and regular flow of information. This requires significant investment in goal-oriented research and development along with access models that can simplify market transactions and other processes within an industry. Initiatives in the areas of agriculture, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and traditional knowledge can demonstrate that knowledge can be very effectively applied for the betterment of the rural poor. 5. Delivery of Services: Knowledge services have the potential to simplify many different points at which citizens interact with the State. Traditionally, these points of interaction have been vulnerable to unscrupulous activities and rent-seeking. We need to set the bureaucracy under an e- governance initiative, with a transparent file tracking system that the public can access. This will, right away, reduce corruption, because everyone involved in the process can be tracked down. Technology provides us with an opportunity to ensure accountability, transparency and efficiency in government services. E-governance is one of the ways in which citizens can be empowered to increase transparency of government functioning, leading to greater efficiency and productivity. E-Governance aims to place the government within the reach of all citizens increasing transparency and citizen's participation. Thus, the development of e-Governance should promote universal access to government's services, integrate administrative systems, networks, and databases, and make such information available to the citizen via Internet. In a nutshell such e-Governance should transform the government into a citizen centric technological driven one. There are various dimensions to building a Digital Bangladesh, all of which are equally important pillars. A Digital Bangladesh may constitute the following goals:

1) Build excellence in the educational system to meet the knowledge challenges of the 21st century by strengthening the education system, promote domestic research and innovation, facilitate knowledge application in sectors like health, agriculture, and industry. 2) Leverage information and communication technologies to enhance governance and improve connectivity that allows ICT-based services to be deployed equitably throughout his nation. 3) Devise mechanisms for exchange and interaction between knowledge systems in the Global arena. 4) Promote creation of knowledge in S&T laboratories that utilizes information technologies and communication networks for dissemination and exchange of knowledge. 5) Promote knowledge applications in agriculture and industry so that they can use ICTs for marketing and promotion of its products, for producing internal efficiencies, and for communication and transaction between entities. 6) Promote the use of knowledge capabilities in making government an effective, transparent and accountable service provider to the citizen and promote widespread sharing of knowledge to maximize public benefit.


As we say goodbye to the year 2012, we might take time out to reflect on our achievements and failures in the year gone by, examine our prospects for the future and the challenges that lie ahead. Religious extremism leading to terrorist activities is one such area that needs to be reviewed. While many South Asian countries are deeply embroiled in the fight against terrorism, Bangladesh had generally been free from terrorist attacks since 2005. As we tended to relax, two incidents in 2012 brought our focus back to the terrorism issue. The first was the burning and looting of the houses and temples of the Buddhist communities in Cox’s Bazar area on 29-30 September. The second was the arrest on 17 October of a young Bangladeshi man caught while planning to bomb the Federal Reserve Building in New York, USA. As the year was coming to a close, the violence unleashed across the country by the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), a right-wing Islamist party, sent us a clear signal of the growing strength of Islamist politics. 

we say goodbye to the year 2012, we might take time out to reflect on our achievements and failures in the year gone by, examine our prospects for the future and the challenges that lie ahead. Religious extremism leading to terrorist activities is one such area that needs to be reviewed. While many South Asian countries are deeply embroiled in the fight against terrorism, Bangladesh had generally been free from terrorist attacks since 2005. As we tended to relax, two incidents in 2012 brought our focus back to the terrorism issue. The first was the burning and looting of the houses and temples of the Buddhist communities in Cox’s Bazar area on 29-30 September. The second was the arrest on 17 October of a young Bangladeshi man caught while planning to bomb the Federal Reserve Building in New York, USA. As the year was coming to a close, the violence unleashed across the country by the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), a right-wing Islamist party, sent us a clear signal of the growing strength of Islamist politics.
These are happening at a time when an avowed secular party, the Awami League (AL), is in power. AL won the 2008 election with a commitment to amend the constitution to restore its secular character. It also promised stern action against all forms of religious extremism and terrorism. Four years down the line, much of those promises remain unfulfilled. Constitutional reform was half-done; Islam remained a state religion. Religious parties are more organised today than ever before. Their student fronts are active in most educational institutions. While Islamists are active on political fronts, more radical amongst them are organising themselves for terrorist activities as and when opportunities appear.
Rise of Islamic extremism in Bangladesh
On 16 December 1971, we hoped that Bangladesh would emerge as a modern democratic state. The spirit of the nation was epitomised in the Constitution (1972) that adopted secularism as a state principle and prohibited the political use of religion. The Constitution barred the state from declaring any religion as state religion. However, it all changed after the killing of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and many top-ranking political leaders in 1975. Those who seized power at the time found the Islamists as their political ally and started islamising the society and the state. Islamist political parties, such as JI, started building their party structures. The power elites established thousands of madrassas that produced religiously indoctrinated youths who would be the front-line activists of the Islamist parties. Poor, jobless students from the madrassas became easy target of the recruiters of militant Islamist organisations. By late 1990s we had militant organisations such as Jamiatul Mujahedin Bangladesh (JMB) and Harkatul Jihad Al-Islami (HUJI) that took roots in Bangladesh.

Starting from 1999 to 2005, the militants bombed temples, churches, political rallies, cultural functions, cinema halls etc. The government and the opposition kept on blaming each other for those attacks. Even when grenades attack was made on the AL rally in Dhaka on 22 August 2004 killing 22 people and injuring the AL Chief Sheikh Hasina, the government blamed it on the opposition. The series bombing on 17 August 2005 finally compelled the government to come out of the denial mode and stand up to the terrorist threat. In 2006-07, we saw a series of arrests, prosecution and handing down of sentences, including death sentences, on some of the terror leaders. Since then there has been no major terror attack in Bangladesh, but that the terrorists are active is evident from the frequent arrests of activists and seizure of large cache of arms and explosives from their hideouts.

Bulk of the Islamic militants arrested so far had come from poor rural communities. Many were from the Quomi Madrassa background. However, recent years saw a new breed of extremists called the Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT). HuT members are drawn from children of urban, upper income parentage, educated in the mainstream or English medium schools and colleges. HuT is targeting the cream of our youth, the nation’s future, and therefore, poses a clear danger. It is feared that HuT has penetrated among schools and universities, professionals – engineers, doctors, government officials and even among the security apparatus. Although the party was banned in 2009, its clandestine activities continue in the country. On the political front, JI continued to grow in strength in Bangladesh. The party is small in size, but highly disciplined, well-organised and has a well-defined hierarchy. Jamaat’s aim is to establish a pure Islamic state based on Sharia. The party had opposed the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971 and actively collaborated in the genocide. Some of the top leaderships are now facing war-crime trial.

The party, therefore, is on a back foot now, but given the fact that a new election is around the corner, its rank and file might align with the major opposition party to make a bid for power. JI’s student wing, Islami Chattra Shibir (Islamic Students Front), is now a potent student organisation, from schools to universities. The other Islamist party of importance is Islami Oikyo Jote (Islamic Unity Front), a collection of small Islamic parties. Like JI, IOJ also wants to establish an Islamic state in Bangladesh, but there are differences in outlook. IOJ members are exclusively from Quomi madrassa background and more traditional. IOJ has been in the forefront, along with JI, in the movement to declare Ahmedia community as non-Muslims. Present government’s attempt to register Quomi Madrassas and reform their curriculum was thwarted by IOJ’s agitation.

None of the Islamist political parties gave open support to the militant activities, however, many of the JMB and HUJI activists had previously been members of Islamist political parties. The Islamist parties have multifarious social, economic and financial investments. Some of the largest banks, insurance, hospitals, diagnostic centres, schools, universities, coaching centres, and travel agencies are operated undercover by the Islamist parties. The Islamist parties have been gaining in strength in Bangladesh at the expense of the two major political parties – BNP and AL. Both parties at one time or other have been courting these parties in order to gain short term advantage over the other.
Countering the extremists
Bangladesh government has taken a number steps to check extremism and militancy. Notable among those are: Anti-Terrorism Act 2009 and Money Laundering Prevention Act 2009 as amended in 2011. The two acts provide for deterrent punishment to offenders in case they engage in acts of terror or launder money to support terrorism. Based on a series of dialogues, workshops and seminars, participated by academics, researchers, politicians, parliamentarians, civil and military officials, a national strategy to combat terrorism in the country has been proposed.Bangladesh has banned a total of six terrorist organizations, including JMB, HUJI and HuT. A number of Islamic NGOs have been banned who had terror links, including Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (Kuwait), Rabita Al Alam Al Islami (Saudi Arabia), and International Islamic relief Organization (Saudi Arabia), Muslim Aid (UK). More than 1,300 militants were arrested; most of them belonging to JMB, HUJI-B or HuT. 29 terrorist kingpins have been sentenced to death and many more sentenced to long imprisonment or are awaiting trial.While our police action has been commendable, we did not do enough on the social front.
We need to address urgently the problem of poverty, ignorance, and backwardness. Democratisation of the society is an insurance against extremist ideology. We need to improve governance and provide access to justice for the poor and downtrodden. We need to impart modern education to our youth that prepare them to face the challenges of a fast changing world. A thorough overhaul of madrassa education in our country is long overdue. We need an education system that produce people with high ethical and technical standards, a system that encourages freethinking rather than rote learning. Emergence of HuT points out a lack of pride and a sense of disillusionment among the children of affluent class. This is because English medium schools, where most of the rich parents send their children, follow a curriculum that has no relevance to our culture, history or traditions. Therefore, English medium school syllabus too needs a thorough review.Government must legislate not to allow use of religion to gain political mileage. We need to check creeping ‘Sudiaization’ of Islam. Along with the money from the ME donors, comes the ideological package of Wahhabi Islam which is alien to South Asia. One of the prices we pay for the remittance from our labour force in the ME is the influx of Saudi brand of Islam. How do we de-radicalise these migrant workers is a big challenge for us. Meanwhile, hundreds of extremists who are arrested or under trial must be segregated from other prisoners. At present, these extremists are finding a captive audience 24 hours at their disposal, busy recruiting new ones from among the prisoners. We need to isolate the extremists and start a de-radicalisation program so that when they return to the society they become useful citizen.Our effort to counter religious extremism must be supplemented by regional and global effort.
We need to have close cooperation and coordination between the governments of the region. Border monitoring, passport control, anti-money laundering measures, exchange of information on the movement of suspects, arrest and deportation of fugitives are some of the areas where regional countries could cooperate. Checking of arms smuggling across the porous border is another area where regional cooperation is the answer. In short, a total, comprehensive strategy has to be adopted for fighting religious extremism. If Bangladesh is to emerge as a modern, democratic state, the menace of extremism must be eliminated.

জিয়াকে ঠান্ডা মাথার খুনী বলেছেন আদালত।

জিয়াকে ঠান্ডা মাথার খুনী বলেছেন আদালত।
মার্কিন সাংবাদিক লরেন্স লিফশুজের সাক্ষ্য ও বিএনপি নেতাব্যারিস্টার ­ মওদুদ আহমদের বইয়ের লেখা এ রায়ে বিবেচনা করা হয়। এ প্রসঙ্গে আদালত বলেন, “ব্যারিস্টার মওদুদ আহমদ তার ‘ডেমোক্রেসি অ্যান্ড চ্যালেঞ্জ অব ডেভেলপমেন্ট: এ স্টাডি অবপলিটিক্যাল অ্যান্ড মিলিটারিইন্টারভ ­েনশান ইন বাংলাদেশ’ বইয়েলিখেছেন, এই বিচারের ট্রাইব্যুনাল গঠনের অনেক আগেই জেনারেল জিয়াউর রহমানপাকিস্তান ফেরত সামরিক অফিসারদের তুষ্ট করতে কর্নেল তাহেরকে ফাঁসি দেওয়ার মনস্থির করেছিলেন। জেনারেল মঞ্জুরের উদ্ধৃতি দিয়ে মার্কিন সাংবাদিক লিফশুজও একই বক্তব্য দিয়েছেন।”
এছাড়াও তৎকালীন ঢাকা জেলাম্যাজিস্ট্র ­ ­েট ড. এমএম শওকত আলী এবং সাহিত্যিক সাংবাদিক সৈয়দ বদরুল আহসানের লিখিত দাবিসহ অ্যামিকাস কিউরি জ্যেষ্ঠ আইনজীবীদের মতামতের ভিত্তিতে আদালত এ সিদ্ধান্তে আসেন যে, “কর্নেল তাহের বীর উত্তমের মৃত্যুর মুল আসামি জেনারেল জিয়াউর রহমান।”
মৌদুদ এখন কী কহিবেন? বি.এন.পিও বা কী কহিবে?